At the top left of the Overview screen (Figs 2.11 and 2.12) are the three Occurrences Panels. These are the biggest panels on the Overview screen.
Fig. 5.1 The occurrences panels in the top left of the Overview screen
Among the more than 25 000 records in the Hierolex database is the following example:
(nḫt: neKHet)
Faulkner Concise
<water string bun sparrow>
Table 10 The words the occurrence panels relate to have been enlarged here
This is the neKHet / strong record that brings up the results shown in the two examples below.
The occurrences panels, and later the searcher panels, reproduce the columns in the main record. They enable the database to be browsed very readily. They suggest links between words; moreover they practically thrust insights in front of the database user as to why many of the words of Ancient Egyptian are as they are. Examples of various such insights have been written up in the blog <hierolanginsights.blogspot.com>.
The first of the occurrences panels, at the upper left, concentrates on the respelt (brown) column. In the following illustration it displays all entries in the database for neKHet:
Fig. 5.2 All the Hierolex database occurrences of the respelt entry neKHet are displayed
A glance at the yellow EngJSM column in this display reveals that neKHet is to do with ‘strong’. But the grey {meaning} column in the centre gives a variety of other translations. These occurrence panels reveal this variety at a glance.
Note that not all the instances of neKHet are displayed in this occurrence panel, as can be determined from the scroll bar on the right, which is tinted. Tinting means that many more records can be viewed by scrolling up or down.
5.2 {EngJSM} OCCURRENCES: ‘strong’
The EngJSM panel concentrates on the yellow column, in which every entry necessarily is for ‘strong’, for it is precisely this word that the panel seeks to find:
Fig. 5.3 Hierolex database occurrences of the EngJSM entry ‘strong’ are displayed
From this view it can be seen that among the entries in the database for the word ‘strong’, some are not neKHet but qen. Once again the tinted scroll bar shows there are more entries.
The occurrences panels are somewhat tantalising in that the columns are narrow, not permitting useful information to be viewed. However, by flicking the screen to the right, other panels are exposed, including the following:
Fig. 5.4 Expanded EngJSM Occurrences panel, with wider source, baseline and glyph columns
This is not easy to read in this view, but is perfectly plain in the size it appears on the computer.
There are similarly expanded views of all the other panels on the Overview screen.
5.3 {ID JS} OCCURRENCES: ‘strong’
A third occurrences panel shows all those occurrences sharing a common glyph sequence.
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